#5 : Podcast
What is Podcast?
Hi, so today I would like to talk about PODCAST. According to Google, a podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
The term "podcast" comes from the coinage of the word iPod (Apple Portable MP3 player) and 'broadcast'.
How does it work?
Well, a podcast can either be uploaded through SoundCloud, YouTube, iTunes and even blog. Simply record your voice talking about something and upload it through these channels.
What are examples of a podcast?
The followings are things that are considered as podcast:
- Reviews on movies
- Reviews on songs
- Storytelling
- Audio drama
Often, podcasts are used as a teaching and learning tool in classes for it helps in enhancing our listening skills so feel free to teach your kids or your students with this method!
Below I have included a podcast of mine: a movie review as an example for you to understand how a podcast work!
Link: A Teacher's Diary Movie Review
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